Saturday, November 24, 2007

You might not know it

The friday after Thanksgiving is the biggest shopping day of the year. In retail we refer to it as "Black Friday" it is a day that we definetly don't look forward to and that we try to request off months in advance, though very few of us are lucky enough to actually get it off. Not a single employee at my store got it off.

We opened at 6a.m. though when I arrived at 4a.m. that morning the line outside had already started building. By the time we actually opened the line had over 1,000 people in it, I was lucky enough to be one of the people standing just inside the door as people came flying through, running to get to what they wanted.

I worked an extremely long shift with those crazy ass people, who at all times of the day were still running through the store. Our hot items were about before 9a.m. I gave away the last Wii to a lady in tears. A good time was had by all, though they bought us food by the time I actually tore away from Electronics it was ice cold, the salad was warm and there was no pop left, lucky me. Yesterdays truck was ginormous, and this mornings will be the same.'s the clencher, I get off at 12:30 and I have to be back there at midnight for double trucks...yippee.

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