Wednesday, November 14, 2007


The rest of sophomore year passed by slowly, uneventful, and truthfully I was glad to see it come to an end. My plans for the summer were to go to Illinois and work in my grandfather’s office for the summer. It was the first thing that I was excited for in a long time, working in a doctors office? I knew I wanted to be a nurse and what better way to start off my career? Even if I was just a secretary.
I left July 1st and I waited anxiously for the day to come, I just wanted to get out of Livonia for the summer. My time in Illinois was short lived, my first day on the job I not only broke, but shattered my ankle. I had been standing on a chair trying to reach a file, I fell off the chair. At the ER I was so scared I knew something wasn’t right, my ankle had swollen to more than three times its normal size. They told me I would have to have surgery, they were going to put pins in my ankle.
I would spend the night waiting anxiously for my mom to fly in from Michigan, praying that it was all just a dream Doped up on Morphine the time seemed to pass ever so slowly, knowing that the next morning I was going into surgery.
I awoke the next morning very early, long before my surgery was scheduled. Sleeping was nearly impossible due to the amount of pain I was in, so I lay awake hours before my surgery trying to figure out why this was happening. Trying to understand why god has put so much pain into my life. Why he had chosen me to undergo so much in my life.

*My surgert ended up being two different surgeries, leaving me forever with a very large scar and an ankle that doesn't move. I spent almost 2 full yrs in a wheelchair.

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