Sunday, November 4, 2007

The Wrath of the Yellow Lighter

I started smoking when I was 12, so I have much experiance in the "things you should never do while smoking" routine. They include things such as never spray something flammable while smoking, never light your cigarette inside your shirt (i've lit my hair on fire quite a few times doing this) and never NEVER carry a yellow lighter.

I'm not big on superstitions, in fact I'll be the first to tel you that your crazy for believing that walking under a ladder or breaking a mirror will bring you bad luck. The yellow lighter however is something I am an avid believer of. I unfortunatly have had very bad luck with yellow lighters.

The night they put my mom on life support I was carrying one, the day Joslynn died, also the day Sean found out he had cancer, the list goes on. When I noticed my aunt carrying a yellow lighter a few weeks ago, I kindly tried to warn her.

She laughed at me, told me I was crazy. Its been almost a month since she's been carrying it and has for the most part avoided its wrath, until yesterday that it. My aunt recently bought a new car, she was driving to my aunt's who lives about an hr away. On her way there she was rear ended, her brand new car totaled.

She threw the lighter away this morning.

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